Sunday, July 19, 2009

What do you mean Star Trek still isn't in theatres.

So, here we are midway through summer, and I can apathetically say that not much has changed, yet. Due to a particularly wet beginning, and work commitments, I found that I basically had no time or drive to head out camping for a weekend. In fact, didn't have much of an inclination to do pretty much anything besides sit at home and play WoW. (if you are reading this and don't know what that is...try this link: Okay, complete sidebar, but was playing the other night, and this married couple ended up having a fight, with the hubby actually accusing the wife of going to have an affair with another gameplayer. Sad part is that he logged onto the game to do it! Talk about maybe having the game invade your reality just a wee bit too much.

Anyway, interesting tid bit of what can happen these days. So, after watching that, it was almost like seeing something through a window. More in a sec maybe.

So, as per norm I guess a quick check in of how I made out with made last paragraph of pronouncements. Yes, I actually go the the used bookstore around the corner now. I still sometimes go to a further grocery store to avoid running into the "ex". I have been out with friends, doing this I wouldn't normally do, like shelling out allot of money to see a concert I had no desire to see. But...I am sort of happy to say I did get a confidence boost. Was out with a buddy at the pub, waiting on some friends of his, when I thought I would be nice and buy a drink for some ladies who had been looking my way. So, yes, and maybe....insert whatever questions you would like...pervert.

So, yes, I think I finally got the kick in the pants I needed, both with a glimpse of the patheticness of playing online games and substituting that for actual "people time", and maybe seeing that I am not completely hideous to the opposite sex, though I probably won't be going after Meagan Fox anytime soon.

So, that is it. Actually, fairly dull compared to some of my earlier rants, but... yeah, still can't come up with anything.

Leaving the blue room for another little bit. Put the chair back when you're done.

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