Friday, December 2, 2011

The closer I get, the further I fall..

So here I am, technically 2 hours before I turn 34. Yeah! I am now no longer able to be considered young man, but still a few years from middle aged... Although my middle has spread quite a bit. So here I am, once again feasting on beer and frozen pizza, wondering where it all went wrong, how did I end up alone on a Friday night, with no friends asking to take me out the following night on my bday. It seems ever since the divorce, I can't get ahead personally, financially, or even physically.

I now weigh the most I ever have in my life. And the gym scares me beyond belief. Can't afford to buy some trendy gym shirts, so have to rely on t shirts i have sec, diner bell going off...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

One year later

So, 1 year, 10 days later from the last May post, still apparently living the same way.

Maybe one of these days I will learn... Still can't figure out if I actually enjoy Ragu pasta sauce.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yup, so sorta of going to the gym. Somewhat sporadic at the moment, but at least starting to build up to consistency.

It's funny, as I was, **ahem**, procuring some new (to me) music, I had the opportunity to reflect upon my taste and on my current CD collection. I do try to stay somewhat current in the music formats I listen to, so usually my digital folders will have up to date music, but then there is the CD binder...

I don't know exactly how it happened today, but I know I came across the name Elastica somewhere, and that had me longing for the CD that was sitting hidden somewhere. Not only that, but since I was digging that old gem out, I also pulled out Garbage (Garbage)and No Doubt (Tragic Kingdom) album and threw them into the old 5 disc player. As I was listening, I thought it would be fun to see if the bands were up to anything now a days, and started a good ole wiki search.

So, now, as I type and listen to the 90's station on SIRIUS, I am feeling very old. All of those CD's came out around 1995 (as I am writing this White Town ...Your Woman just came on... I think my white hairs are receding somewhat, at least for about 3 minutes) but yet I can still recall sitting in my room listening to while doing homework, reading, or just talking on the phone. Another ageism popped up for me when trying to pay one of my workers a compliment. I was telling him he was too smart to be working at his current job, and he jokingly said he would challenge me to a math off. I replied that his favorite show growing up must've been Square 1 TV, only to be met with a blank stare. (and if someone happens to read this and is also confused

And got distracted, sorry, got browsing around twitter...(and if so inclined, follow fribahali
on twitter).

Anyway, to recap, old, music old, and if I am now following stuff on Twitter, it must be old.

Fingers crossed, maybe Dallas bound soon... (explain later, or maybe already covered off, see previous posts)

Good night moon....

and one last link wheezywaiter