Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday Night Football musings


So maybe this is the first official post of my blog that no one reads.

First off, a quick dime slot peepshow of why I am here. Entered my third decade (yes, I'm old, deal with it) just as everything I had strived for in my 20's fell apart, marriage, new house, wife who I had supported throughout her degree (s) finally finish up and get a job. So, now I find myself back to post university days, apartment living, finding *ahem* myself, and trying to figure out how one meets people in this crazy, cold, pre election world.

Okay, so that was the quick bio, hope the dime wasn't wasted.

Anyway, fall is quickly coming, making me lament all the wasted time from procrastination that happened this summer. So much for camping and enjoying the stars every weekend.

But, with fall brings what every single male needs on Sunday, Football! and Fantasy football. Now to make used of that Flat screen I purchased to make feel better back in the winter.

Okay, enough sob storying for one night. Stay tuned, fictional readers, as I get away from pitying myself and move on to feeling sorry for myself, and maybe followed by talking about my new sock purchase.